Love Devours Time
public art

Jeff Kasper, Love Devours Time at Greensboro Project Space, billboard marquee (2021). Photo by Adam Carlin.
Love Devours Time was a marquee and manifesto (in five parts) on view at Greensboro Project Space in Fall 2021 as part of The City Billboard project.
(a manifesto in five parts)
(a manifesto in five parts)
1. Love is a choice: Love is action. We choose to love. Love cannot be forced but it can come as a surprise.
2. Love is sustainable: Love only endures when it is maintained, upheld, or defended. It is a cyclical, resource-intensive process. Love may be transferred from one closed system to another but it never ceases. Love is a commitment.
3. Love takes time: Love requires trust. Trust feeds on respect. Respect is built from time. In other words, love is simple and simple things devour time.
4. Love is presence: Love asks us to pay attention to what is happening now. Love in the past is conjured up from memories we have only reconstructed, and the future of love is made up of fantasies that we play out in our minds. The present is all we really ever have of love. That present is infinite.
5. Love is a practice: Deep listening, close looking, and attentive feeling is the recipe for love. Like any good recipe, you can’t follow the directions too closely. You must leave room for a little magic. It is all in the interpretation.